Ze Germans vs. Nest & Terrence Tillman (Hans RP)
Aug 29, 2015 16:13:17 GMT -5
Post by Deleted on Aug 29, 2015 16:13:17 GMT -5
“Ve told you, did ve not?” asks a stern looking Hans Kuntz; his sunken eyes stare into the camera from beneath his lowered brow, as he stands before the German flag with his arms folded in front of his chest. Dressed in his black zip-up jacket and jeans, as usual, Kuntz keeps a harsh expression as he awaits the answer that will never come.
“Zat ze German superiority vould vin ze day,” Hans boasts, “zat Herrs Bond und Bronco could not match ze might of Liesl und I. Zey could match ze intensity ve brought to ze ring zat night. Zat zeir hunger, zeir drive, zey vould not be enough! Und, in ze end, it vas Liesl und I – Ze Germans–” his voice is ripe with disdain, “– who emerged from 2nd Impact as ze vinners.”
“But,” he starts, wagging a finger at the camera for a brief moment, “zere vere ozer vinners zat night. Specifically, two people who von zeir matches in respect to ze Apex Championship. Und now, Liesl und I have to face zese two in tag team competition…”
“Und I told you, Tillman, I vould be back soon…” Hans begins to smirk, his lips slowly curling upwards in the corners. “…only zis time, I vill have Liesl in my corner. Und you, you vill have ze man who you face for ze Apex Championship in a few months time.”
“I do not like your odds, Tillman.”
“Liesl und I, ve have proven to you all zat ve are ze dominant tag team here in LDFC. Ve have beaten your head trainer, und his protégé. Ve have beaten 420 BC. Liesl holds victory over ze LDFC darling, Bree Nelson. Our teamvork ist hervorragend und now, ve have to face Nest und Tillman…” Hans states matter-of-factly, “…und zis time, Tillman, you vill not escape so easily. Zis time, you vill incur my wrath. Und zis time, neither you, nor Nest vill leave zat ring mit a victory to your names!”
“Ze last time ve met, you und I, you managed to pull off daring victory. You showed me zat zere might be hope for you yet. But now, Liesl und I are here to tell you no,” Hans wags his finger at the camera again, “zis time zere is no hope, Tillman. Ven you are in ze ring mit either one of us, ve vill not let you doubt our superiority. Not again! So you cling to past victory over me, boast about victory over ze opponents who ‘did not deserve to be in ze match’ mit you at 2nd Impact. Tell ze fans about how you are to become ze next Apex Champion…”
“Tell ze vorld how you vill be ze Pride of LDFC, Tillman,” Hans taunts him, “und zen look across zat ring to ze man in your corner. Und ze anger beneath ze surface as you insult him. Insult ze belt he holds. As you belittle his accomplishments to try and make zese fans cheer for you.”
“But you are not true pride of LDFC,” Hans states, harshly, “zat title belongs to Liesl und I, after ve beat Bond und Bronco. After ve defended ze honour of you all, who vere too veak to stand up for yourselves. Und you are not next Apex Champion; you are not man enough to beat Nest. You are not better man zan Butcher or Valcone. Und zis Vednesday night, Nest vill teach you first lesson in being title contender. Because now hungry little dog has been promised a bone, und ze dog mit ze bone, he does not vant to let go. He does not vant to share. He vants you in no condition to face him for title, so – und I am speaking from experience here – he vill not be much help zis Vednesday.”
“If Nest is clever, if Nest is vise, zen he vill leave you to do ze fighting this veek on Pride. He vill let you take ze beating zat Liesl und I are ready to hand out. Und he vill do all zis under veil of teamvork. Und Nest, I do not zink man who has held ze Apex title as long as you ist stupid. I do not zink you are unvise. So I do not predict ve vill get true opportunity to compete. Maybe anozer day, ven you do not have to carry ze veight of Tillman’s pride on your back. Ven you do not have anchor tying you down.”
“But if you surprise me, if you truly show up at Pride,” Hans pauses, smirking to himself, “zen I vill not hesitate to put you down too. Just to show vorld who is truly best in LDFC!”
Fade to black.
Word count: 792